Saturday, February 27, 2021

Good Writing = Organized Thought


Good writing is good writing. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing the Great American Novel, a non-fiction work you’re sure will be the next best-seller, or an opening statement.

Good writing is good writing, and it starts from a simple premise. Organize your thoughts before you put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard.

A solid opening statement should have no more than three key points you absolutely want to convey to your jurors. Each key point should be easily captured in one short sentence. You can elaborate to your heart’s content following that key point, but in order for your jurors to comprehend your elaborations, you must provide that point. It is called a “key” point for a reason. It provides the key to your ensuing arguments.

Why three key points, tops? Because three points is the number of points most easily retained by the human mind. You need the jurors to retain your points! The sequence of said points is simple. The most critical should be stated first, and the second most important stated last. Whatever is in the middle (unfortunately) may end up forgotten.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Zoom Deposition Tips – Round 3 – No Texting!


Some situations that would never arise in a “live” deposition can occur in the Zoom format, and if not anticipated, can lead to unfortunate results.

For example, texting. An individual – witness, lawyer, paralegal, observer – texting during a live deposition would be spotted immediately, and if the deposing witness, would be told by their attorney to cease at once. In the Zoom environment, however, it’s not always obvious that a witness is texting, because the witness’s computer camera might only capture their head and shoulders.

But since texting is no different than taking notes, said texts would have to be handed over to opposing counsel, and depending what the witness was typing, could be very bad news indeed.

Witnesses are often not aware that any communication during the actual deposition must be delivered to opposing counsel, just like any documents or paperwork brought in, and sometimes attorneys forget to mention it.

Prepare your witnesses for Zoom-specific sessions by telling them the best thing to do is leave their phone, turned off, in another room, and resist the 21st century urge to share everything with their nears and dears every second of every hour. Let them know how distracting, if not downright damaging, texts could be to their case. Even if the witness says “But I just want to check in with my spouse.” Sounds innocent, and maybe is, but who knows what opposing counsel might make of it?

Monday, December 28, 2020

Zoom Deposition Tips – Round 2


In our ongoing effort to maximize the effectiveness of a Zoom deposition, here are 2 more tips for your witnesses.

1. Be Your Own Cinematographer

Zoom depositions are visual statements as well as verbal ones, but instead of having a competent videographer assisting to make sure everything looks right, you, the witness, must do that yourself. So make sure that what’s behind you when you sit in front of your computer, laptop or tablet isn’t distracting. A blank wall is great if possible. If not, then something not too “interesting” or eye-catching. Plainer is better.

2. Check Your Lighting and Angles

Make sure that there is sufficient light to convey a clear image of you. Generally, head and shoulders are all that need to be seen, but “seen” is the key word. Too often, room lighting is dim and needs to be added to in some way. Be sure that your computer/laptop/tablet camera captures your whole face properly lit, not mostly your chin or forehead. This will take some advance preparation. Don’t leave your set-up to the last minute. Practice ahead of time, preferably the day before, so you can make whatever adjustments might be required.

More tips to come next month!