Thursday, March 30, 2017

Define the “How” and “Who” of Your Case in Story Form

Human beings across the globe are riveted by stories. Jurors are no different. Regardless of the nature of your case, find the story within it. The drier your case, the more important it is to do this.
            Be sure your story has elements of conflict or intrigue. Think of a good mystery or detective story: the story is either about “Who done it” or “How they did it” and sometimes both.
            For example, if your case theme is “greed,” tell the story of how the greed unfolded. Ask yourself continually “And then what happened?” Tell the story of the events to yourself by answering that question again and again. No matter how complex or business-oriented the case, there is always a sequence of events that can be told.
            Good stories have clearly defined heroes and villains. Describe the conflict between the parties as a human conflict between heroes and villains. Your “hero” may be flawed, but he or she must be presented as a hero if you want the jurors to root for your side.
            Show, for example, how your client is upholding a culturally approved goal or value. Even if your client is the victim, show not just that he/she was damaged, but that he or she upholds worth goals, such as the right to proper care, the right to expect safety in operating a vehicle/machinery. Too often we forget that jurors need someone to root for, not just someone to pity.